Sunday, 24 August 2014

How To Get Baby Soft Hands

Tips for Soft and Smooth Hands:The Hand That Rocks the Cradle Is the Hand That Rules the World" a poem by William Ross Wallace that praises motherhood is also actually managing the household chores, kids, lunch, school projects etc. etc.So don’t you think those wonderful hands deserve some pampering and care to prevent them from aging and turning rough?
Check out these simple and  useful tips for soft and smooth hands.

1. First and foremost avoid harsh detergents and stick to mild detergents when washing dishes and use gloves to protect your hands.

2. Use Almond oil and massage your hands with it at the end of the day after you are done with your work.

3. Sea  Salt , honey  and baking soda scrub is great way  for soft  and smooth hands.

4. Moisturize your hands with a good cream or hand lotion before going to bed.

5. Mix Oatmeal , glycerin and olive oil together and massage your hands and leave it on your hands for a half an hour and the same thing can be applied on your face too!

6. Check out this useful tip with ingredients available in your kitchen for softer and smooth hands…


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